A recent Gallup poll (July 30-Aug 5, 2018, +/- 3% error, 95% confidence) reported that, of respondents asked if they had a positive, or negative, reaction to the term “Socialism“, 57% of Democrats (or leaning Democratic) responded positively. 18% of Republicans (or leaning Republican) also responded positively.
Generally I don’t put a lot of stock in polls. As the last election showed, they are easily “weighted”, one way or another. This poll, however, has been taken several times – in 2010, 2012, 2016 and the most recent. What the history shows is a slow, but steady decline in the number of Democrats/leaning Democrat favoring Capitalism and a similar increase in those favoring Socialism (Republican response has been fairly stable).
Part of this is due to the perversion of the “education” system into a propaganda system for over two generations. However, the fact that an economic system/form of government (Socialism/Statism) – so totally opposed to the basic values of America – is growing in favor indicates severe lack of understanding of the differences between the two.
For those who have not yet read “The evidence”>”Origins and Terms”>”Government” and “Socialism”, on Home of the Eagle (not so subtle hint), let me summarize. “Socialism” and “Capitalism” are not systems of “government”. They are the, economic, aspects of two diametrically opposed social systems (governments) – “Statism” and “Republic“.
The political viewpoint of “statism” is exactly the opposite of that of a “republic”. In a republic, sovereignty rests in the people, who delegate a small portion of that authority, to the government. In the statist point of view, sovereignty lies completely in the hands of the state and the people exist only to benefit the state. In the words of Dr. John Ridpath, a retired professor of economics and intellectual history at York University in Toronto, Canada (emphasis and [comments] added):
“Socialism is, most succinctly, the doctrine that every individual man, in fact, has no right to exist for his own sake. That his life and his work do not belong to him [remember “You didn’t build that”?]; but they belong to society – that’s collectivism. That the only justification of his existence is service to society – that’s altruism. And that “society” may dispose of him in any way that it pleases for the sake of what it deems to be its own collective good – that’s statism.
The essential characteristic of socialism is the denial of individual rights to property. Which means the denial that you have the right to own the values and property, which you produced by your own efforts, and decide how to dispose of them as you wish [justifying “redistribution”]. That is the essential characteristic of socialism. Of all socialism….”
“…..The real enemy is statism; it is not just socialism. And the real antidote to statism, of a socialist, Fascist, communist, monarchical – whatever, military dictatorship – whatever kind of statist societies you could have in mind. The only principal antidote to that is the establishment of a society consistently based on the principal of individual rights [Constitutional Republic]. Capitalism is the only alternative to these types of immoral social systems.”
Dr. Ridpath was lecturing on the “moral” aspects of the two, totally opposed, social systems. For those who want a clearer picture of what the practical application of Statism entails, Irish playwright, and avowed Socialist, George Bernard Shaw describes the Statist philosophy, in detail:
“I don’t want to punish anybody but there are an extraordinary number of people whom I want to kill. I think it would be a good thing to make everybody come before a properly appointed board, just as he might come before the income tax commissioner. And say every five years or seven years – just put them there and say – Sir, or Madam, will you be kind enough to justify your existence. If you’re not producing as much as you consume, or perhaps a little more, then clearly we cannot use the big organization of our society, for the purpose of keeping you alive, because your life does not benefit us and it can’t be of very much use to yourself.”
According to the poll cited here, over half of the Democrats/Democrat Leaning respondents do not see any difference between “Socialism” and “Capitalism”! For this you have the Axis Of Evil, especially the Commiecrat Party, the media and the “education” system, to thank!
It’s easy to cite the “common wisdom” that all liberals, progressives, Democrats, etc. are “brain dead”. Doing so would be a grave error. Members of “the left” today fall into three, primary classes. The first consists of the mindless “sheep”, who are incapable of logical, independent thought, or are too lazy or cowardly to take responsibility for themselves and their actions. These folks often want someone to tell them what to do, believe that “government” should supply all of their needs – for free – and are very often violent.
The second, more dangerous, class is the “elites” who, from their belief in their natural superiority, pursue power and control over everyone else (the Party “leadership & “yellow dog” politicians). This group believes completely in “the ends justify the means” and are the ones screaming “Due Process”, “Innocent until proven guilty” and other cornerstones of our Justice System, must be set aside for the good of the “People”/”State” (e.g. Pelosi, Schumer, Franken.. Feinstein & etc).
The third class – today a small minority – are individuals who still think for themselves, try to understand all sides of a conflict and base their decisions on facts, not emotions but don’t admit their political party is no longer “American”. Sadly, this group is generally threatened, intimidated and ostracized by the first two groups as “traitors”, “racists” & other such terms the left use to demonize those who dare to disagree with the “Party” line . This group is all that is left of what was once a Real American Political Party.
The first two classes are mortal enemies of the spirit that is America. The beliefs, principles and ideals, that are the cornerstones of this great nation, are anathema to them. For over a century they have bent their every effort to destroying the foundations of our nation and enslaving its people.
The recent “Court of Star Chamber”, that the Commiecrats used to try to destroy one of the finest legal minds of this century, is an excellent example of their intent to destroy the founding principles of our legal system. They will accept nothing less than our unconditional surrender or our complete destruction. In their basic goals, they are no different than the radical foreign terrorists threatening us today – submit or die!
If you have any doubts about this just listen to Commiecrats like Maxine Waters or Eric Holder – both of whom have urged the Commiecrat sheep to use violence against any who support the rule of law and justice!
For decades we ignored the threat of foreign terrorists. As a result, thousands of Americans died. If we fail to remember our history, and make the same mistake with the AOE terrorists within, millions of Americans could die or be reduced to “subjects” in a land where once they were free. We have to accept the reality that we are in a war for our very existence, as a people and as a nation!
“Statism” in all its forms – Communism, socialism, liberalism, progressivism, etc. is the absolute opposite of Americanism. Any such term, placed before the title “American”, IS an oxymoron! Any person supporting any such Statist ideology is an AINO – “American In Name Only”!
The only question you have to answer now is, next month, what will you support