The Rise of the USSA – The United Socialist States of Amerika

We are, today, witnessing the Rise of the USSA

– The United Socialist States of Amerika.

 I have spent over half a century in service to my Country.  In that time I have served my country from Vietnam to Desert Storm and on the streets of my community for over three decades. A decade ago I listened to Barack Obama  announce that “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America” and feared for this Nation.

Many Americans have taken more than one oath to protect and defend the United States and the Constitution.  Those who abide still by these oaths understand that none of those oaths contained the word “until”!  Over the past 50+ years I have observed, studied and fought against the individuals and ideas that have threatened my land.  Upon hearing the – Treasonous – words of Barack Obama I understood that my oaths were, once again, calling for my service.

From this was born my personal website The Home of the Eagle (

and, eventually, its connected blog,

The Eagle’s Aerie (

{@} Such enclosed symbols are references to relevant portions of these sites


The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution for the United States of America are our two founding documents.  They are inseparable and co-dependent {@}.  In the first paragraph of the Declaration is found the basis for the foundations of our principles, society, laws and system of governance:

“When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them,” (Emphasis added)

This statement is nothing less than the declaration of our new nation’s right to exist, and the principles upon which it is founded, that are enumerated in the “bylaws” of our nation, The Constitution for the United States of AmericaNature’s Law!  The concept of NATURAL LAW is that our “rights” come from our creator, NOT from any man or government, and that we will be held to answer for our actions.  These principles are the bedrock of our society and system of governance.  Furthermore, neither man nor government can take from us our rights short of taking our lives!{@}

At the end of the constitutional Convention of 1787, as he was leaving Independence Hall, Doctor Benjamin Franklin was asked by a lady “Well Doctor what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?”.  Franklin is reported to have replied “A republic….if you can keep it”!  (Notes of Dr. James McHenry, Maryland Convention Delegate)

In this observation, Doctor Franklin was prophetic!


The intentions of the Founders were that Americans would serve in government as representatives of their constituents and then, later, return to the profession that they had followed prior to being elected!  Unfortunately, just as gravity draws us to the earth, the lust for power and control over others draws certain individuals to “government”.

Such individuals believe that they, in some strange manor, are “superior”, more “intelligent” or “experienced” than those that they consider “the masses”.  They believe they are an “elite” class of “rulers”.  Such individuals consider our laws, and in particular our Constitution, to be “obstructions” to their ruling over others.  Barack Obama described the Constitution as {@}:

“…a charter of negative liberties that says what the states can’t do to you, says what the Federal Government can’t do to you but it doesn’t say what the federal government, or the state government, must do, on your behalf.” (Emphasis added)

Concerning the Supreme Court and the Constitution Obama stated:

As radical as I think people tried to characterize the Warren Court, it wasn’t that radical.  It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution (Emphasis added)

Obama made these statements, in a radio interview, before he was elected.  The stunning thing was not that he made such a statement – his history proved, beyond a shadow of doubt, that he hated America and wanted to see it pulled down.  What was stunning was that, so-called, “americans” voted this evil individual into the highest office in the nation where he could, and did, cause the greatest harm to America possible!

As evil, and damaging, as Obama was, he was not the start of the assault on our nation.  His job was to complete the second and third phases of the assault –Destabilization {@} and Crisis {@}.  The methodology of the assault on America consists of four phases; Demoralization, Destabilization, crisis and “normalization”.  I will not go into detail in this here as it is extensively covered, under <the Evidence>/<the Assault> on The Home of The Eagle, {@} and summarized in The American Axis of Evil (AAOE)-The Loathsome Liberal Left on The Eagle’s Aerie {@}.

The first stage of the assault is slow and took over three generations to complete.  Simply put, it was designed to destroy our beliefs in our founding principles, laws and social structure and to so twist our understanding of our heritage that we could not make rational decisions in the defense of our principles, law or social structure.  It is based on the KGB process of Ideological Subversion, which draws heavily on the CHINESE Warrior Philosopher, Sun Tzu. {@}

This phase was accomplished by americans, to Americans!  The Americans In Name Only (AINOs) recruited to do this were corrupt politicians, bureaucrats (the “Deep State”), entertainment (Commiewood), the courts, federal law enforcement, the media, and – most importantly, the education system!

Just in case you haven’t noticed the AINOs involved in the first phase ARE the Liberal Left!  Have you ever wondered how religion, the nuclear family, truth, honesty, morality, etc. have deteriorated, or vanished?  Ever wonder how the “higher education system” has become riddled with Communist/Socialist “professors” or that the “entertainment” industry is polluted with those who disparage our nation and its ideals?

Now you understand why so many “young” people have NO IDEA OF THEIR OWN HERITAGE and think “Socialism” is “good” and “cheating” and violence against anyone disagreeing with them is OK.  This “Enemy of the People” is nothing less than an American Axis Of Evil – the AAOE!  They have accomplished their goals utilizing two, primary, tools.

The first is the social manipulation methodologies of Edward Bernays {@} who developed the field of propaganda to a fine art.  He was so accomplished in this field that Joseph Goebbels (Hitler’s Reich Minister of propaganda for you kids educated in CA or NY) kept a copy of Bernays’ book as a reference.

The second methodology used to corrupt/confuse/pervert was “Politically Correct” THOUGHT!  Political correctness consists of doing one thing – redefining the meaning of words!  If you can define the meaning of words – and convince others to accept your definitions – you can never lose an argument!  All you do is to redefine words, used in the argument, to support your position!  NOTE: The counter to this is to simply refuse to accept your enemy’s definitions!

This first phase had been accomplished by the time Obama came to office.  During his term he succeeded in destabilizing the three major areas assigned – the Economy, Defense and Foreign Relations.  He was close to pushing America to “Crisis” – the collapse of social structures – when Americans woke up and elected a President who loves this country and its people – Donald Trump.  NOW you understand the real reason the AAOE absolutely hates, despises and FEARS Donald Trump and the people’s continued support of him!


It is unfortunate – and arguably NOT accidental – that Communist China has pushed America and the rest of the world to Crisis!  Americans have risen to unite and confront the WUHAN CHINESE VIRUS.  It appears that we have survived the initial attack and are on the road to reopening our economy and having a chance to recover, long and painful as that might be!

This is NOT lost on the AAOE.  Their incompetence, and belief in invulnerability, has blunted the Deep State assault.  The AAOE KNOWS that, if we succeed in recovering, their opportunity to use this crisis to Fundamentally Transform America into their vision of a TYRANNICAL OLIGARCHY OF THE “ELITE” will be lost.  THIS is why so many Governors, and other state officials, of predominantly “BLUE” STATES, have implemented Draconian, illegal, unconstitutional shutdowns.  FOR THE AAOE TO SUCCEED, they must insure a failure of the economy and America to recoverThe Rise of the USSA must be resisted – on all fronts, NOW!


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