As we have previously noted [here] the founding principles, tradition and laws of human societies have, predominantly, had their basis in religion. In America that predominant religion was Christianity. The principles of Christianity transcend both time and space and are as relevant today as they were at our nation’s founding – especially as AMERICA IS AT WAR!
We have identified the enemy attacking America – The Axis of Evil – and analyzed their methodology – Ideological Subversion. It is here that we find the reasons and the methodology for the assault on Christianity.
To review, the goal of demoralization is to “Change the perception of reality, of every American, to such an extent that…no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the defense of themselves, their family, their community and their country”. For a demoralized person, “Facts tell nothing to him. Even if I shower him with information, with authentic truth, with documents, with pictures, he will refuse to believe it”. *** KGB Agent Yuri Bezmenov
This may seem like a tall order but it is an extremely slow, and insidious, process that requires at least one generation to accomplish. That is how long it takes to “indoctrinate” one generation of unprepared children in Marxist/Leninist ideology (we will address this later).
The true strength of America has been the principles of the Christian Religion! THIS is why the Axis Of Evil has expended so much time and resources attempting to distort and destroy it. The concept of NATURAL LAW – that our “rights” come from our creator, NOT from any man or government, and that we will be held to answer for our actions are the bedrock of our society and system of government.
The “principles” of Marxism/Leninism are Anathema to the very spirit that IS America and, as such, our understanding of, and belief in, American Exceptionalism absolutely must be destroyed. The Axis Of Evil utilizes three primary methods to accomplish this – revisionism, relativism and collectivism.
Revisionism is the changing of a long-standing and generally accepted doctrine, theory, practice, etc. Relativism is the philosophical position that all points of view are equally valid and that all truth is relative to the individual – That there are no “absolute” “truths”.
Collectivism is the concept of the prioritization of the group over individuals. This is the core component of political systems such as Communism and economic systems such as Socialism. In either case the individual is only of any use as long as keeping them alive is of benefit to the group!
For any of these methods to be successful, you must win any argument. The surest method of guaranteeing that you will win any argument is to control the meaning of words! By selectively controlling the meaning of words key to the argument you make it impossible to lose the argument!
The key to controlling the meaning of any word is by controlling what is the collectively understood meaning and “moral value” of the word! THIS is the source of the concept of POLITICALLY CORRECT!
By repeatedly attacking any version of an argument against you and by constantly revising the “meaning” and “moral value” attached to words and argument it is possible to completely revise an argument or belief. One of the most evil men in history, Adolph Hitler, summed it up thusly:
“By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda [politically correct], one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise.”
As many of our foundational principles come from the Christian Religion, the Axis Of Evil needs to make us doubt our understanding of those basic principles. “Redefining” the meaning of words and the “moral” values of words and actions goes hand-in-hand with the theory of relativism.
By applying the immoral theory that there is no absolute good or evil the AOE repudiates the most basic principle of Christianity. From here they can repudiate ALL OF OUR FOUNDING PRINCIPLES AND BELIEFS!!!
It is virtually impossible today to hold a conversation, watch TV, listen to a radio or watch a movie without being bombarded with assaults on our basic beliefs and values. Marriage is no longer between a man and woman, infanticide is AUTHORIZED IN SEVERAL STATES (remember Blackstone…abortion WAS BY THE ANCIENT LAW, HOMICIDE OR MANSLAUGHTER”). Even the distinction between male and female is now “immoral”. Harmful drugs are encouraged, combating terrorism is now evil – the evil assault by terrorists is now being redefined as our fault!
In support of this constant bombardment of hateful, immoral, evil propaganda – BY THE AXIS OF EVIL – anyone who dares to commit the sin of challenging the collective is attacked, slandered and every attempt is made to completely destroy their lives. IS THIS THE FOUNDERS VISION OF AMERICA????
There is one universal standard within the Axis Of Evil – anyone who challenges them is evil and must be punished and destroyed! America’s founding principles, our beliefs and values are anathema to the left! These people hate us! They absolutely refuse to “compromise” as our existence is absolute proof of the hideous immorality of their world view. They will stop only when they enslave us, kill us or we cut out this loathsome cancer completely – by any means they force us to defend ourselves with!!
This attack is not new. As previously noted, it has been under way for over three generations. Only since the election of President Donald Trump has the massive extent, of the corruption of our government, courts, educational systems, and religious organizations been revealed! Our judiciary, the Criminal Justice System, the state and national bureaucracies, our entire educational system, and the major media have all been infected. The cancer runs deeper than anyone had ever suspected. The enemies of this nation no longer even try to hide their racism, hatred of America and support of our enemies – even within our legislatures!
With the adoption, by the AOE of the original KGB process, the “Demoralization” of our nation has progressed far beyond the wildest expectations of the Axis Of Evil. As Bezmenov noted, this has been done mostly “By Americans, to Americans, due to lack of moral values”.
In future posts, we will look at how these treasonous individuals have contributed to moving America from Demoralization, through “Destabilization” and into the “Crisis” stage that America is currently at. IT IS, ONCE AGAIN, 1775 AND THE AXIS OF EVIL IS THE “ROYAL CROWN”!!!