America is not simply a geographic area, a particular collection of people or a system of government.  The heart of America is a spirit!  That spirit is the spirit of freedom and it demands certain things of us.  When we fail in our responsibilities to that spirit, both the spirit and our freedom are reduced.

On October 30, 2008 Barack Obama made the statement that “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America”.  While the brainless sheep surrounding him blindly applauded, every informed American should have felt the chill wind of treachery blow across the land.  Americans do not make “fundamental” changes.

The vision of our founders has produced a nation that has never known the conquerors heel and a society that is the dream of those still oppressed.  In our success, however, we have become complacent and lax in our responsibilities to the Spirit.  Both Abraham Lincoln and General Douglas MacArthur warned that the greatest danger to America was just such complacence:

“America will never be destroyed from the outside.  If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”  Abraham Lincoln

 “I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within which, opposed to all of our great traditions, have gravely weakened the structure and tone of our American way of Life.”  General Douglas MacArthur (emphasis added)

 An unholy force is lose in this land and has pushed our nation to the edge of crisis.  I am not, however, referring to the WuhanChinese Virus!  This pandemic, severe and disruptive as it has been, is being used, by enemies of the people – an American Axis of Evil (AAOE) –  to destroy America and our free society!

For over three generations, the United States has been in a state of, total and undeclared, war against the basic principles and foundations of our American system.  The attacks against America have been nothing less than a Civil War – to date, predominantly, a “cold war”.  This war is being conducted against AMERICANS, by Americans IN NAME ONLY (AINOs), who are bent on transforming the greatest bastion of individual freedom, in the history of the world, into a Socialist “third-world shithole”!

The details of this assault on our nation, is covered in detail at The Home of the Eagle, “the evidence” (  In quick summary, the AAOE assault focuses on three areas:

  1. Attack and destroy the very principles and values that are the foundations of our uniquely “American” laws, government and society.
  2. **Destabilizing our economy, defense systems and foreign relations.
  3. Through the above, cause the complete collapse of the social structure creating a “crisis” allowing them to take control of all areas of government and production resulting in the state of “Normalization”, with them in charge of all aspects of your life-FOREVER!

At first glance – and exactly as the AAOE’s propaganda arm (liberal media) WILL claim – this seems like a classic “Conspiracy Theory”.  However, the “War Plan” of the AAOE is no “Theory” and draws heavily on Chinese Philosophy:

“All warfare is based primarily on deception of an enemy. Fighting on a battlefield is the most primitive way of making war. There is no art higher than to destroy your enemy without a fight by subverting anything of value in your enemy’s country.”                          Sun Tzu, C.500B.C, The Art of War (emphasis added)

I would simply ask you what portions of our society have been drastically perverted in the past three generations?  How is the Christian Religion doing today? Our entire system of law and justice (as well as much of the bill of rights and Constitution) draws on the historic “Judeo-Christian” values.

How is the “Family Unit” – the basis of our social structure – doing as of late? What was the state of our economy prior to 2016, our military, our foreign relations?  Do you remember Benghazi, millions in TRIBUTE, secretly at night, to radical Islamic terrorists?

Now the AAOE, led by the power hungry, treasonous, harridan Nancy Pelosi is doing everything it can to complete the “Normalization” of America – under the control of, what has become, the Commiecrat Party!  Pelosi is not alone.  All you have to do to see what is happening is to watch the tyrannical power grabs by Commiecrat Governors like Andy Beshear and Gretchen Whitmer or mayors like Bill (Snitch) de Blasio or Greenville Mayor Errick (ticket cars of worshipers) Simmons!

America is on the cusp of becoming The United Socialist States of AmeriKa – the USSA!  The inertia of history is inexorable and History, NOT I, inexorably dictates we are faced with only three roads to the future; Submit to the left’s political elite masters; Demonstrate,  Resist and Vote out all “Commiecrats”; or, lastly, Have no choice left but that last resort the Founders so wisely provided us in The 2nd amendment!

Spanish Philosopher George Santayana once wrote that “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”  To this simple, yet profound, statement I would add that; Those who cannot remember their history have become separated from their heritage!

It is long past time that we DO remember our AMERICAN heritage:


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