The Enemy Within, an Axis of Evil

On October 30, 2008 Barack Obama made the statement that “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America”.  Anyone paying attention should have recognized that threat to our nation.  Americans do not make “fundamental” changes.  Marxist/socialist Tyrants, The Axis of Evil, do.

Obama’s statement was nothing less than a DECLARATION OF WAR against the principles and values that are the cornerstones of our society and our system of governance!  To anyone with the sense to learn from history, this was a warning!

For over half a century the United States has been in a state of war – an undeclared and total war against the basic principles and Foundations of our nation!  For those who still refuse to pull their heads out of the sand (or other areas) I suggest they pull them out and consider the following:

“All warfare is based primarily on deception of an enemy. Fighting on a battlefield is the most primitive way of making war. There is no art higher than to destroy your enemy without a fight by subverting anything of value in your enemy’s country.”   Sun Tzu, The Art of War c. 500 B.C.(*)

The initial attack came (no surprise) from without – I suspect deducing who will not be rocket science to any real American.   There have always been individuals whose main goal in life has been that of power and control over others.  As gravity draws us to the earth, so does this drive draw such individuals to “government”.

America is no exception.  Fortunately, our Founders designed our Constitutional Republic – NOT “Democracy” – with numerous obstacles to achieving such power.  For over two hundred years these safeguards have frustrated attempts by such people to achieve their goals.

Unfortunately, these individuals quickly recognized the insidious nature of the foreign attack on our nation as the perfect vehicle to undermine the obstacles our founders had constructed.  By quietly attacking and perverting the values and principles that our nation is founded upon, over several generations, they have, in all ways but on the battlefield, been conducting the Second American Civil War!

The details of the attack on America, and a review of the foundations being attacked, can be found on The Home Of The Eagle web site ( for anyone truly wanting to understand the threat, to the very existence of our very nation, today.

It is important that we first understand the nature of the threat we face.  It is not a single enemy but an AXIS OF EVIL.  A listing of its major components can be found on The Home Of The Eagle including the far left wing and leadership of the (once) Democrat – now Commiecrat – Party, the racist anarchists of BLM, the violent, fascist, anarchists of ANTIFA and many others.

Secondly, the members of the AXIS OF EVIL do not have the same values that have been the foundations of America.  The word “compromise” in their dictionary means “bowing” to only their definitions, opinions and orders!  All other “dissident” opinions must be suppressed!

To real Americans, the linchpin of society, and our system of government, is individual freedom. The essence of freedom is the proper limitation of government.  Government has only the limited powers ceded to it, by the Constitution!

To the “statists” of the AXIS OF EVIL, the people belong to the STATE. Under Statism, the people exist only to the degree their existence benefits the stateWhen you no longer benefit the state there is no further reason to let you continue to live!

Look at all history of all socialist/communist/statist/etc. governments.  IN ALL CASES, every “ist” government has suppressed all opposition.  It starts with intimidation, escalates to threats, imprisonment and, ultimately, violence.  Does any of this sound familiar?

Historically, “Conservatism” has, by its very nature, tried to adhere to compromise, rational, logical reasoning and “the high ground”.  The past ten years – and especially the past two years – have shown this to be a complete failure against our current enemy.

If our nation is to survive this Second Civil War, we can no longer “turn the other cheek”.  The one absolute truism is that evil must be held to account and brought to justice.  I’m NOT suggesting we adopt the same evil tactics of the AXIS OF EVIL but, when they do, they must be held accountable and be punished appropriately.

The AXIS OF EVIL is committed to complete subjugation of all opposition. They have proven that there can be no compromise with them, only submission.  Groups such as ANTIFA and BLM MUST be labeled “Domestic Terrorists”.  If we continue to fail to make them answer for their crimes – UNDER THE LAW – then America, as we have known it, is doomed!

Every loyal American must understand…there is no way you can sit this one out!  You have only two choices – you are for America and against the AXIS OF EVIL or you are against America.  Failure to choose IS to CHOOSE EVIL!

For those “sunshine americans” who choose not to face reality and/or try to “sit this one out” I can only offer you the same advice given to your kind by Samuel Adams:

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, — go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms.” “Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!

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