The 2nd American Civil War

The 2nd American Civil War began over 100 years ago. The first successful major attack on the American REPUBLIC (America was NEVER A ”DEMOCRACY”) occurred in 1913 with the ratification of the 17th Amendment. The people of the 48 states stupidly overrode the Founders wisdom of creating a “higher” chamber of Congress selected by THE LEGISLATURES OF THE INDIVIDUAL STATES. By making the election of Senators done by popular vote the states lost their REPUBLICAN ability to exert a stabilizing influence on the, more volatile, House portion of the Congress.

Wilson, Roosevelt, Johnson and Obama (All Democrats) were Socialist Presidents. Where Wilson, Roosevelt and Johnson tried to turn America Socialist they did believe in America. In the most part, Wilson failed to have major long term effects on America (although many of his wartime actions were totally despotic). Roosevelt, came to power during a recession which his failed policies turned into the great depression. Johnson’s major contributions to socialism were his welfare programs giving power the founders never intended to the Federal Government.

Obama, on the other hand was the first truly Marxist Socialist (read communist) President. Idiot liberals put into the White House the first “President” who despised America and considered it an evil, oppressive country that needed to be brought down. Riding on the damage done by his predecessors he was responsible for more damage to America than all previous traitors and enemies of the people.

Enabling much of the damage done by Obama was the adoption, by the “Liberal left/Democrat Commiecrat Party”, of the KGB methodology for Ideological Subversion known as “Active Measures”. While this methodology was multi-faceted (destroy basic national beliefs, insert corruption in Federal agencies with law enforcement powers, control the courts, destroy the economy and military amongst others) the most damaging facet was the corruption of the national education system.

“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted”   Vladimir Lenin

For over three generations Marxist/Leninist ideology and the “statist” mentality that only the “State” could provide for you and protect you has been pumped into the heads of our children with no, or very little, countering of this with presentation of our real history and the principles beliefs and moral values that are the basis of our society and the American system of governance.

The lack of opposition, to what has been nothing less than all out warfare against the foundations of America, has resulted in America being divided into two – absolutely incompatible – factions. Socialism (Statism) is exactly the tyranny the Founders tried to prevent. The Second American Civil War has been, to date, a “cold” war. It has now reached the stage of “crisis” and, I fear, that nothing, short of violence, can excise the cancer of Socialism.

I hope I am wrong but I find it increasingly hard to believe that, by the end of the next decade, this war will not go “hot”. If the Commiecrat left manages to open our borders to endless invasion don’t be surprised to see vigilantism, if not open rebellion, before America is returned to the CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC that it once was. HISTORY is very unforgiving of our failure to remember our past and we appear to be about to repeat it!

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