

Welcome.  The Eagle’s Aerie is the associated blog of my personal web site, Home of the Eagle.  Direct links to H.O.T.E. are provided in the menu bar.

The Aerie is NOT a “family” site.  The purpose of the site is to defend the principles, beliefs and ideals, that are the heart of the spirit that is America, and to attack and expose the lies and distortions of those who would destroy our RepublicPolitical correctness is absent here.  While the intent is to bring American Patriots together in the defense of the Republic, material on this site may contain strongly held opinions and strong language.  If you are easily offended this is not the site for you – “…Go from us in peace…”


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Home of the Eagle

America is not simply a geographic area, a particular collection of people or a system of government.  The heart of America is a spiritHome of the Eagle is a celebration of the spirit that is America. That spirit is the spirit of freedom and it demands certain things of us.  When we fail in our responsibilities to that spirit, both the spirit and our freedom are reduced.

The vision of our founders has produced a nation that has never known the conquerors heel and a society that is the dream of those still oppressed.  In our success, however, we have become complacent and lax in our responsibilities to the Spirit.  An unholy force is lose in this land and has pushed our nation to the edge of crisis.   It is time ALL American patriots put aside petty differences, defy those who would separate and enslave us and fulfill their responsibilities to the Spirit that IS America!

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For over three generations the United States has been in a state of active, but undeclared, war.  Up until 2016 this war had been, in the most part, a “cold” war – A war without the classic clash of arms and nations.  This has been due to the fact that the majority of the enemies assaulting America have been individuals within America.

This is a concept that is singularly difficult for Americans to wrap their brains around.  America is not simply a geographic area, a particular collection of people or a system of government.  The heart of America is a spirit!  That spirit is the indomitable will of a free people, dedicated to freedom and individual justice for all      .

The concepts inherent in this spirit – morality, hard work, independence, self-reliance, thrift, honor and duty – are the very essence of American Exceptionalism.  This spirit makes it hard for Americans to come to grips with the idea that there are individuals in this nation – Americans In Name Only, (AINOs) – who would do anything to destroy such a spirit.  A spirit that shines a bright and disinfecting light on the inherently immoral and evil world views that these Treasonous slime support.

Around the middle of the last century the KGB developed a plan, to take over another country, which they named “Ideological Subversion” or “Active Measures”, in the parlance of the KGB.  This plan was based on a principle in a work on military strategy titled The Art of War (Sun Tzu, 544 BC).  The principle states in part that “There is no art higher than to destroy your enemy without a fight by subverting anything of value in your enemy’s country”.

While it was the KGB who initiated “Active Measures” against America it was the “liberalAINOs who embraced this philosophy and have bent their every effort towards implementing it for over three generations.  This “ops plan” has been extremely effective for one reason.  The difficulty real Americans have in accepting that such evil and treasonous individuals have lurked, inside the “system” for so long.

For the better part of a decade, the web site Home of the Eagle has provided an abbreviated “review” of our historical foundations and addressed, in detail, this assault on our nation.  The complete description of the implementation of the first two stages of Ideological Subversion, demoralization and Destabilization, can be found there.  Today America is in the third stage of Ideological Subversion!

I mentioned in the opening that the United States had, to date, been involved in an, undeclared, cold war.  The election of Barack Obama began the completion of the first two stages and set the stage for the implementation of the third – Crisis!  Anyone paying attention, on October 30, 2008, should have felt a chill run down their spine when Obama announced that “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America”Americans do NOT make “fundamental” changes!

Today it is crystal clear, to anyone who has not spent the last decade in a cave, exactly what he meant.  The extent of the evil and corruption of the “Obamanation” is only becoming clear today.  The “fundamental change” he was referring to was to complete three generations of corruption and evil and Reduce “the last best hope of man on earth” to a third world SHITHOLE!!!

In Ideological Subversion, “Crisis” is the breakdown of the rule of law and the social structure supporting the society and the nation allowing an, often violent, Communist/Socialist takeover of the nation.  History has repeatedly recorded that, when a citizenry becomes exhausted by constant violence and anarchy, the people will turn to whoever can stop the anarchy.  Those who are most able to do this is, almost always, the individuals who brought about the anarchy in the first place (BLM/Antifa/Media/etc).

Now, I ask you; what is happening in our nation today.  Then, you should ask where this was happening the worst and who was in charge and enabling this breakdown of the rule of law and society?  That wasn’t much of a difficult question, was it?  They were the places with the worst effects of the Wuhan Chinese Virus, where the greatest anarchy was taking root and where the liberal left governors where enforcing clearly unconstitutional, dictatorial edicts which were guaranteed to have the worst possible effect on our recovering economy!

Think where we would be today if the harridan Hillary Clinton had been able to corrupt and steal the 2016 election.  Her assignment, under “Active Measures”, was to complete “Crisis” to the point of complete collapse of the rule of law and society (a natural for her).  Especially, as we are now seeing, the corruption had spread wide and deep into virtually every aspect of the federal government and courts.

The fact that a real American – one who truly loves this nation and its people – Donald Trump was elected to the Presidency was the only reason that this loathsome, evil, treasonous plan failed to come to completion.  It also is why we are seeing this sudden, vicious and violent escalation of the war.  It is no longer a “cold” war!  If Donald Trump is reelected the unholy plans of, what is nothing less than an American Axis Of Evil (AAOE), will be seriously derailed.

Spanish Philosopher George Santayana once wrote that “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”  History has shown that this is a Fact!  The First American Civil War was, primarily, to stop the historically evil practice of enslavement.  It that case, enslavement was based on race.  If the AAOE comes to power The Second American Civil War WILL occur – based on Class!

Additionally, the Second American Civil War will be, in all aspects, more deadly than the first.  The AAOE has spent at least 70 years dividing the people of this nation in as many ways as they could – race, religion, sex, politics, geographical regions and, especially, Social Class!  They have attacked our founding principles through “political correctness” and distortion.  The death toll could easily be greater than the first and could, literally, knock America off of the world stage and backwards by generations.

Americans must understand the seriousness of what we are facing.  Not only must President Trump be reelected, every possible liberal, and RINO, politician up for election in 2020 must be replaced with Americans.  As soon as elections allow, the worst traitors – Piglosi (chief Treasonous swine), and every single liberal politician supporting her and the treasonous, evil, loathsome “Commiecrat Party” MUST be replaced by Americans as soon as possible.

Only when this is accomplished will Americans be able to root out the hideous, Treasonous Deep State!  Only when this is accomplished can corrupt legislation be repealed and the corrupt, Treasonous, Media and the Criminal Justice System – all the way up to the corrupt United States Supreme Court can be purged.

I stated earlier that the essence of America is a Spirit.  That spirit demands certain inherent responsibilities of a free person.  When we fail in our responsibilities, both the spirit and our freedom are diminished.  For almost three years President Trump has faced the most vicious and evil assault, on any President, in American History!  We must take responsibility for our safety and our nation’s safety into our own hands and FIGHT the AAOE!  Failure to do so now could doom our children to what President Ronald Reagan described as “a thousand years of darkness”.  This WILL be our best chance to prevent this from happening.  We OWE President Trump!  It IS TIME!  FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION!!!

I challenge every American to remember our heritage, responsibilities and to LIVE    The American Spirit:




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The Rise of the USSA – The United Socialist States of Amerika

We are, today, witnessing the Rise of the USSA

– The United Socialist States of Amerika.

 I have spent over half a century in service to my Country.  In that time I have served my country from Vietnam to Desert Storm and on the streets of my community for over three decades. A decade ago I listened to Barack Obama  announce that “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America” and feared for this Nation.

Many Americans have taken more than one oath to protect and defend the United States and the Constitution.  Those who abide still by these oaths understand that none of those oaths contained the word “until”!  Over the past 50+ years I have observed, studied and fought against the individuals and ideas that have threatened my land.  Upon hearing the – Treasonous – words of Barack Obama I understood that my oaths were, once again, calling for my service.

From this was born my personal website The Home of the Eagle (https://www.homeoftheeagle.com/index.php)

and, eventually, its connected blog,

The Eagle’s Aerie (https://theeaglesaerie.homeoftheeagle.com/)

{@} Such enclosed symbols are references to relevant portions of these sites


The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution for the United States of America are our two founding documents.  They are inseparable and co-dependent {@}.  In the first paragraph of the Declaration is found the basis for the foundations of our principles, society, laws and system of governance:

“When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God entitle them,” (Emphasis added)

This statement is nothing less than the declaration of our new nation’s right to exist, and the principles upon which it is founded, that are enumerated in the “bylaws” of our nation, The Constitution for the United States of AmericaNature’s Law!  The concept of NATURAL LAW is that our “rights” come from our creator, NOT from any man or government, and that we will be held to answer for our actions.  These principles are the bedrock of our society and system of governance.  Furthermore, neither man nor government can take from us our rights short of taking our lives!{@}

At the end of the constitutional Convention of 1787, as he was leaving Independence Hall, Doctor Benjamin Franklin was asked by a lady “Well Doctor what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?”.  Franklin is reported to have replied “A republic….if you can keep it”!  (Notes of Dr. James McHenry, Maryland Convention Delegate)

In this observation, Doctor Franklin was prophetic!


The intentions of the Founders were that Americans would serve in government as representatives of their constituents and then, later, return to the profession that they had followed prior to being elected!  Unfortunately, just as gravity draws us to the earth, the lust for power and control over others draws certain individuals to “government”.

Such individuals believe that they, in some strange manor, are “superior”, more “intelligent” or “experienced” than those that they consider “the masses”.  They believe they are an “elite” class of “rulers”.  Such individuals consider our laws, and in particular our Constitution, to be “obstructions” to their ruling over others.  Barack Obama described the Constitution as {@}:

“…a charter of negative liberties that says what the states can’t do to you, says what the Federal Government can’t do to you but it doesn’t say what the federal government, or the state government, must do, on your behalf.” (Emphasis added)

Concerning the Supreme Court and the Constitution Obama stated:

As radical as I think people tried to characterize the Warren Court, it wasn’t that radical.  It didn’t break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution (Emphasis added)

Obama made these statements, in a radio interview, before he was elected.  The stunning thing was not that he made such a statement – his history proved, beyond a shadow of doubt, that he hated America and wanted to see it pulled down.  What was stunning was that, so-called, “americans” voted this evil individual into the highest office in the nation where he could, and did, cause the greatest harm to America possible!

As evil, and damaging, as Obama was, he was not the start of the assault on our nation.  His job was to complete the second and third phases of the assault –Destabilization {@} and Crisis {@}.  The methodology of the assault on America consists of four phases; Demoralization, Destabilization, crisis and “normalization”.  I will not go into detail in this here as it is extensively covered, under <the Evidence>/<the Assault> on The Home of The Eagle, {@} and summarized in The American Axis of Evil (AAOE)-The Loathsome Liberal Left on The Eagle’s Aerie {@}.

The first stage of the assault is slow and took over three generations to complete.  Simply put, it was designed to destroy our beliefs in our founding principles, laws and social structure and to so twist our understanding of our heritage that we could not make rational decisions in the defense of our principles, law or social structure.  It is based on the KGB process of Ideological Subversion, which draws heavily on the CHINESE Warrior Philosopher, Sun Tzu. {@}

This phase was accomplished by americans, to Americans!  The Americans In Name Only (AINOs) recruited to do this were corrupt politicians, bureaucrats (the “Deep State”), entertainment (Commiewood), the courts, federal law enforcement, the media, and – most importantly, the education system!

Just in case you haven’t noticed the AINOs involved in the first phase ARE the Liberal Left!  Have you ever wondered how religion, the nuclear family, truth, honesty, morality, etc. have deteriorated, or vanished?  Ever wonder how the “higher education system” has become riddled with Communist/Socialist “professors” or that the “entertainment” industry is polluted with those who disparage our nation and its ideals?

Now you understand why so many “young” people have NO IDEA OF THEIR OWN HERITAGE and think “Socialism” is “good” and “cheating” and violence against anyone disagreeing with them is OK.  This “Enemy of the People” is nothing less than an American Axis Of Evil – the AAOE!  They have accomplished their goals utilizing two, primary, tools.

The first is the social manipulation methodologies of Edward Bernays {@} who developed the field of propaganda to a fine art.  He was so accomplished in this field that Joseph Goebbels (Hitler’s Reich Minister of propaganda for you kids educated in CA or NY) kept a copy of Bernays’ book as a reference.

The second methodology used to corrupt/confuse/pervert was “Politically Correct” THOUGHT!  Political correctness consists of doing one thing – redefining the meaning of words!  If you can define the meaning of words – and convince others to accept your definitions – you can never lose an argument!  All you do is to redefine words, used in the argument, to support your position!  NOTE: The counter to this is to simply refuse to accept your enemy’s definitions!

This first phase had been accomplished by the time Obama came to office.  During his term he succeeded in destabilizing the three major areas assigned – the Economy, Defense and Foreign Relations.  He was close to pushing America to “Crisis” – the collapse of social structures – when Americans woke up and elected a President who loves this country and its people – Donald Trump.  NOW you understand the real reason the AAOE absolutely hates, despises and FEARS Donald Trump and the people’s continued support of him!


It is unfortunate – and arguably NOT accidental – that Communist China has pushed America and the rest of the world to Crisis!  Americans have risen to unite and confront the WUHAN CHINESE VIRUS.  It appears that we have survived the initial attack and are on the road to reopening our economy and having a chance to recover, long and painful as that might be!

This is NOT lost on the AAOE.  Their incompetence, and belief in invulnerability, has blunted the Deep State assault.  The AAOE KNOWS that, if we succeed in recovering, their opportunity to use this crisis to Fundamentally Transform America into their vision of a TYRANNICAL OLIGARCHY OF THE “ELITE” will be lost.  THIS is why so many Governors, and other state officials, of predominantly “BLUE” STATES, have implemented Draconian, illegal, unconstitutional shutdowns.  FOR THE AAOE TO SUCCEED, they must insure a failure of the economy and America to recoverThe Rise of the USSA must be resisted – on all fronts, NOW!


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America is not simply a geographic area, a particular collection of people or a system of government.  The heart of America is a spirit!  That spirit is the spirit of freedom and it demands certain things of us.  When we fail in our responsibilities to that spirit, both the spirit and our freedom are reduced.

On October 30, 2008 Barack Obama made the statement that “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America”.  While the brainless sheep surrounding him blindly applauded, every informed American should have felt the chill wind of treachery blow across the land.  Americans do not make “fundamental” changes.

The vision of our founders has produced a nation that has never known the conquerors heel and a society that is the dream of those still oppressed.  In our success, however, we have become complacent and lax in our responsibilities to the Spirit.  Both Abraham Lincoln and General Douglas MacArthur warned that the greatest danger to America was just such complacence:

“America will never be destroyed from the outside.  If we falter and lose our freedoms, it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”  Abraham Lincoln

 “I am concerned for the security of our great Nation; not so much because of any threat from without, but because of the insidious forces working from within which, opposed to all of our great traditions, have gravely weakened the structure and tone of our American way of Life.”  General Douglas MacArthur (emphasis added)

 An unholy force is lose in this land and has pushed our nation to the edge of crisis.  I am not, however, referring to the WuhanChinese Virus!  This pandemic, severe and disruptive as it has been, is being used, by enemies of the people – an American Axis of Evil (AAOE) –  to destroy America and our free society!

For over three generations, the United States has been in a state of, total and undeclared, war against the basic principles and foundations of our American system.  The attacks against America have been nothing less than a Civil War – to date, predominantly, a “cold war”.  This war is being conducted against AMERICANS, by Americans IN NAME ONLY (AINOs), who are bent on transforming the greatest bastion of individual freedom, in the history of the world, into a Socialist “third-world shithole”!

The details of this assault on our nation, is covered in detail at The Home of the Eagle, “the evidence” (https://www.homeoftheeagle.com/evidence.html).  In quick summary, the AAOE assault focuses on three areas:

  1. Attack and destroy the very principles and values that are the foundations of our uniquely “American” laws, government and society.
  2. **Destabilizing our economy, defense systems and foreign relations.
  3. Through the above, cause the complete collapse of the social structure creating a “crisis” allowing them to take control of all areas of government and production resulting in the state of “Normalization”, with them in charge of all aspects of your life-FOREVER!

At first glance – and exactly as the AAOE’s propaganda arm (liberal media) WILL claim – this seems like a classic “Conspiracy Theory”.  However, the “War Plan” of the AAOE is no “Theory” and draws heavily on Chinese Philosophy:

“All warfare is based primarily on deception of an enemy. Fighting on a battlefield is the most primitive way of making war. There is no art higher than to destroy your enemy without a fight by subverting anything of value in your enemy’s country.”                          Sun Tzu, C.500B.C, The Art of War (emphasis added)

I would simply ask you what portions of our society have been drastically perverted in the past three generations?  How is the Christian Religion doing today? Our entire system of law and justice (as well as much of the bill of rights and Constitution) draws on the historic “Judeo-Christian” values.

How is the “Family Unit” – the basis of our social structure – doing as of late? What was the state of our economy prior to 2016, our military, our foreign relations?  Do you remember Benghazi, millions in TRIBUTE, secretly at night, to radical Islamic terrorists?

Now the AAOE, led by the power hungry, treasonous, harridan Nancy Pelosi is doing everything it can to complete the “Normalization” of America – under the control of, what has become, the Commiecrat Party!  Pelosi is not alone.  All you have to do to see what is happening is to watch the tyrannical power grabs by Commiecrat Governors like Andy Beshear and Gretchen Whitmer or mayors like Bill (Snitch) de Blasio or Greenville Mayor Errick (ticket cars of worshipers) Simmons!

America is on the cusp of becoming The United Socialist States of AmeriKa – the USSA!  The inertia of history is inexorable and History, NOT I, inexorably dictates we are faced with only three roads to the future; Submit to the left’s political elite masters; Demonstrate,  Resist and Vote out all “Commiecrats”; or, lastly, Have no choice left but that last resort the Founders so wisely provided us in The 2nd amendment!

Spanish Philosopher George Santayana once wrote that “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”  To this simple, yet profound, statement I would add that; Those who cannot remember their history have become separated from their heritage!

It is long past time that we DO remember our AMERICAN heritage:


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America Is At War – Demoralization, The Assault on Christianity

As we have previously noted [here] the founding principles, tradition and laws of human societies have, predominantly, had their basis in religion.  In America that predominant religion was Christianity.  The principles of Christianity transcend both time and space and are as relevant today as they were at our nation’s founding – especially as AMERICA IS AT WAR!

We have identified the enemy attacking America – The Axis of Evil – and analyzed their methodology – Ideological Subversion.  It is here that we find the reasons and the methodology for the assault on Christianity.

To review, the goal of demoralization is to “Change the perception of reality, of every American, to such an extent that…no one is able to come to sensible conclusions in the defense of themselves, their family, their community and their country”.   For a demoralized person,  “Facts tell nothing to him.  Even if I shower him with information, with authentic truth, with documents, with pictures, he will refuse to believe it”.               *** KGB Agent Yuri Bezmenov 

This may seem like a tall order but it is an extremely slow, and insidious, process that requires at least one generation to accomplish.  That is how long it takes to “indoctrinate” one generation of unprepared children in Marxist/Leninist ideology (we will address this later).

The true strength of America has been the principles of the Christian Religion!  THIS is why the Axis Of Evil has expended so much time and resources attempting to distort and destroy it.  The concept of NATURAL LAW –  that our “rights” come from our creator, NOT from any man or government, and that we will be held to answer for our actions are the bedrock of our society and system of government.

The “principles” of Marxism/Leninism are Anathema to the very spirit that IS America and, as such, our understanding of, and belief in, American Exceptionalism absolutely must be destroyed.  The Axis  Of Evil utilizes three primary methods to accomplish this – revisionism, relativism and collectivism.

Revisionism is the changing of a long-standing and generally accepted doctrine, theory, practice, etc.  Relativism is the philosophical position that all points of view are equally valid and that all truth is relative to the individual – That there are no “absolute” “truths”.

Collectivism is the concept of the prioritization of the group over individuals.  This is the core component of political systems such as Communism and economic systems such as SocialismIn either case the individual is only of any use as long as keeping them alive is of benefit to the group!

For any of these methods to be successful, you must win any argument.  The surest method of guaranteeing that you will win any argument is to control the meaning of words!  By selectively controlling the meaning of words key to the argument you make it impossible to lose the argument!

The key to controlling the meaning of any word is by controlling what is the collectively understood meaning and “moral value” of the word!  THIS is the source of the concept of POLITICALLY CORRECT!

By repeatedly attacking any version of an argument against you and by constantly revising the “meaning” and “moral value” attached to words and argument it is possible to completely revise an argument or belief.  One of the most evil men in history, Adolph Hitler, summed it up thusly:

By the skillful and sustained use of propaganda [politically correct], one can make a people see even heaven as hell or an extremely wretched life as paradise.”

As many of our foundational principles come from the Christian Religion, the Axis Of Evil needs to make us doubt our understanding of those basic principles.  “Redefining” the meaning of words and the “moral” values of words and actions goes hand-in-hand with the theory of relativism.

By applying the immoral theory that there is no absolute good or evil the AOE repudiates the most basic principle of Christianity.  From here they can repudiate ALL OF OUR FOUNDING PRINCIPLES AND BELIEFS!!!

It is virtually impossible today to hold a conversation, watch TV, listen to a radio or watch a movie without being bombarded with assaults on our basic beliefs and values.  Marriage is no longer between a man and woman, infanticide is AUTHORIZED IN SEVERAL STATES (remember Blackstone…abortion WAS BY THE ANCIENT LAW, HOMICIDE OR MANSLAUGHTER”).  Even the distinction between male and female is now “immoral”.  Harmful drugs are encouraged, combating terrorism is now evil – the evil assault by terrorists is now being redefined as our fault!

In support of this constant bombardment of hateful, immoral, evil propaganda – BY THE AXIS OF EVIL – anyone who dares to commit the sin of challenging the collective is attacked, slandered and every attempt is made to completely destroy their lives.  IS THIS THE FOUNDERS VISION OF AMERICA????

There is one universal standard within the Axis Of Evil – anyone who challenges them is evil and must be punished and destroyed!  America’s founding principles, our beliefs and values are anathema to the left!  These people hate us!  They absolutely refuse to “compromise” as our existence is absolute proof of the hideous immorality  of their world view.  They will stop only when they enslave us, kill us or we cut out this loathsome cancer completely – by any means they force us to defend ourselves with!!

This attack is not new.  As previously noted, it has been under way for over three generations.  Only since the election of President Donald Trump has the massive extent, of the corruption of our government, courts, educational systems, and religious organizations been revealed!  Our judiciary, the Criminal Justice System, the state and national bureaucracies, our entire educational system, and the major media have all been infected.  The cancer runs deeper than anyone had ever suspected.  The enemies of this nation no longer even try to hide their racism, hatred of America and support of our enemies – even within our legislatures!

With the adoption, by the AOE of the original KGB process, the “Demoralization” of our nation has progressed far beyond the wildest expectations of the Axis Of Evil.  As Bezmenov noted, this has been done mostly By Americans, to Americans, due to lack of moral values”.

In future posts, we will look at how these treasonous individuals have contributed to moving America from Demoralization, through “Destabilization” and into the “Crisis” stage that America is currently at.   IT IS, ONCE AGAIN, 1775 AND THE AXIS OF EVIL IS THE “ROYAL CROWN”!!!

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America is at War – The Christian Foundations

George Washington has often been – incorrectly – Quoted as saying some version of; “The United States of America is not a Christian Nation”.  This statement has often been used by revisionists attempting to distort American history by refuting the Christian foundations of the United States.  Washington never made this statement.

This misquote is a corruption of Article 11 (English Version) of The Treaty of Tripoli (Treaty of Peace and Friendship between the United States of America and the Bey and Subjects of Tripoli of Barbary), signed in 1796; As the government of the United States of America is not in any sense founded on the Christian Religion….  At the time the treaty was signed (by President John Adams), Washington was no longer even in office. 

Additionally, the statement is in a treaty.  Treaties occur between governments.  The quote clearly states only that the government of the United States of America (as a legal “entity” on its own) is not founded on the Christian Religion.  It says nothing about the people, their society or country not being founded on any aspect of the Christian Religion.  Any claim to the contrary is completely unfounded.

In over half a century I have traveled a goodly part of the world and observed many different societies, religions and governments.  I have lived in countries with many different attitudes towards religion, from the religious freedom of America to eastern monarchies and the totalitarian theocracies of Islam. 

In all cases I have observed that the principals of a local dominant religion have, to one degree or another, formed the basis of a nation’s principles, moral code concerning how people treat each other and, in the vast majority of cases, this code is reflected in their societal morals, mores, traditions and laws.

This can be no better seen than in the Christian history of the United States of America.  Within the Executive, judicial and legislative branches can be found numerous references to the Christian Religion such as:

– “In every country, the morals of a people – whatever they may be – take their form and spirit from their religion. . . . In the United States, Christianity is the original, spontaneous, and national religion”.  CONSTITUTIONAL LAW PROFESSOR EDWARD MANSFIELD (1801-1880)


– “The general principles on which the fathers achieved independence were. . . . the general principles of Christianity.”  JOHN ADAMS

– “No nation has ever existed or been governed without religion. Nor can be. The Christian religion is the best religion that has been given to man and I, as Chief Magistrate of this nation, am bound to give it the sanction of my example.” PRESIDENT THOMAS JEFFERSON

– “[T]he teachings of the Bible are so interwoven and entwined with our whole civic and social life that it would be literally….impossible for us to figure to ourselves what that life would be if these teaching were removed.” TEDDY ROOSEVELT

– “This is a Christian Nation. More than a half century ago that declaration was written into the decrees of the highest court in this land” [in an 1892 decision] HARRY TRUMAN

– “America was born a Christian nation – America was born to exemplify that devotion to the elements of righteousness which are derived from the revelations of Holy Scripture.” WOODROW WILSON – EVEN AMERICA’S FIRST SOCIALIST PRESIDENT AGREED!



– “[W]ith us, Christianity and religion are identified. It would be strange, indeed, if with such a people our institutions did not presuppose Christianity and did not often refer to it and exhibit relations with it.”  FOUNDING FATHER AND US SUPREME COURT CHIEF JUSTICE JOHN MARSHALL

– “I believe the entire Bill of Rights came into being because of the knowledge our forefathers had of the Bible and their belief in it: freedom of belief, of expression, of assembly, of petition, the dignity of the individual, the sanctity of the home, equal justice under law, and the reservation of powers to the people. . “. .SUPREME COURT CHIEF JUSTICE EARL WARREN

The link to the Christian Foundations lies in the concept of “Natural Law”.  American law owes much of its founding principles to English Law.  The definitive source of the law, at the time of the Founders, was Sir William Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Laws of England (1765-1769)

Commentaries on the Laws of England in Four Books, vol.1 [1753]

  “…his words would shape the Declaration of Independence, Constitution and primal laws of a land he considered no more than conquered territory of the British crown…” Greg Bailey, Sir William Blackstone in America

To Blackstone and the Founders all Law is derived from the two foundations of law, Natural Lawdictated by God himself and “Revealed Law” – …found only in the holy scriptures“Upon these two foundations, the law of nature and the law of revelation, depend all human laws; that is to say, no human laws should be suffered to contradict these.”

Edmund Burke famously observed in Parliament that nearly as many copies of the Commentaries had been sold in the colonies as in England.  Relative to the population at that time it was also claimed that Blackstone’s Commentaries sold more copies than any other book in the colonies, except the bible.

Blackstone’s Commentaries, Book the first: Of the Rights of Persons, Chapter I: Of the Absolute Rights of Individuals, contains numerous examples of principles within both The Declaration of Independence and The United States Constitution, for example:

  1. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
  2. That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed
  3. Constitution & Constitutional limitations on the powers of government
  4. Trial by jury of peers
  5. Right of Habeas Corpus
  6. Due process in criminal and civil cases
  7. Right to reasonable bailxation but by representation
  8. Right to apply to the government for redress of grievances
  9. Right to apply to the courts for redress of injuries

**  Basically, Constitutional Amendments 1,2,4,5,6,8

  1. Innumerable other criminal and civil legal concepts such as Murder, slander, libel, protection from eminent domain seizure, assault/battery


  1. Life is the immediate gift of God, a right inherent by nature in every individual; and it begins in contemplation of law as soon as an infant is able to stir in the mother’swomb. For if a woman is quick with child, and by a potion or otherwise, killeth it in her womb; or if any one beat her, whereby the child dieth in her body, and she is delivered of a dead child; this, though not murder, was by the ancient law homicide or manslaughter

The sentiments addressed above are but a tiny portion of the innumerable statements of our Founders, Leaders, patriots and clergy that, along with scores of congressional actions for more than two centuries, prove the inseparable relationship between the Christian Religion and virtually every aspect of American principles, society, government and laws.  The totality of the quantitative evidence is irrefutable – AMERICA WAS FOUNDED AS, AND REMAINS TODAY, A CHRISTIAN NATION. (Despite loathsome attempts by the left AXIS OF EVIL to revise such history)


“…we have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, • would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” John Adams, October 11, 1798

Next: America is at War – The Assault on Christianity

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America is at WAR – The Enemy Within

On October 30, 2008 Barack Obama made the statement that “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America”.  Anyone paying attention should have recognized that threat to our nation!  Americans do not make “fundamental” changes.

Marxist/socialist Tyrants do.  Obama’s statement was nothing less than a DECLARATION OF WAR against the principles and values that are the cornerstones of our society and our system of governance!  To anyone with the sense to learn from history, this was a warning!

For over half a century the United States has been in a state of war – an undeclared and total war against the basic principles and foundations of our nation!  For those who still refuse to pull their heads out of the sand (or other areas) I suggest they need to pull them out and consider the following:

All warfare is based primarily on deception of an enemy. Fighting on a battlefield is the most primitive way of making war. There is no art higher than to destroy your enemy without a fight by subverting anything of value in your enemy’s country.”   Sun Tzu, The Art of War c. 500 B.C. (*)

War is simply the continuation of politics by other means.Carl Von Clausewitz, On War (*)

The initial attack came (no surprise) from without – I suspect deducing who will not be rocket science to any real American.   There have always been individuals whose main goal in life has been that of power and control over others.  As gravity draws us to the earth, so does this drive draw such individuals to “government.

America is no exception.  Fortunately, our Founders designed our Constitutional Republic – NOT “Democracy” – with numerous obstacles to achieving such power.  For over two hundred years these safeguards have frustrated attempts by such people to achieve their goals.

Unfortunately, these individuals quickly recognized the insidious nature of the foreign attack on our nation as the perfect vehicle for them to use to undermine the obstacles our founders had constructed.  By quietly attacking and perverting the values and principles that our nation is founded upon, over several generations, they have, in all ways but on the battlefield, been conducting the Second American Civil War – while most of America ignored them!

The details of the attack on America, and a review of the foundations being attacked, can be found on The Home Of The Eagle web site (www.homeoftheeagle.com) and The Eagle’s Aerie, for anyone truly wanting to understand the threat, to the very existence of our nation, today.

It is important that we first understand the nature of the threat we face.  It is not a single enemy but an AXIS OF EVIL.  Identifying this enemy is very simple – look for those spewing lies, deceit, hatred, intimidation and violence.  A listing of the major components of the Axis can be found on The Home Of The Eagle, including the far left wing and leadership of the (once) Democrat – now Commiecrat – Party, major media, the racist anarchists of BLM, the violent, fascists of ANTIFA and many others.

Secondly, we must understand that the members of the AXIS OF EVIL do not have the same values that have been the foundations of America.  Lies, cheating, corruption, intimidation, POWER over others – these are their imperatives.  The word “compromise”, in their dictionary, means “bowing” to only their definitions, opinions and orders!  All other “dissident” opinions must be suppressed

To real Americans, the linchpin of society, and our system of government, is individual freedom. “The essence of freedom is the proper limitation of government”.  In our Constitutional Republic, government has only the limited powers ceded to it, by the people, in the Constitution! 

To the “statists” of the AXIS OF EVIL, the people belong to the STATE. Under Statism, the people exist only to the degree their existence benefits the stateWhen you no longer benefit the state there is no further reason to let you continue to live – just listen to Fabian Socialist George Bernard Shaw: 

I don’t want to punish anybody but there are an extraordinary number of people whom I want to Kill…. 

Look at all history of all socialist/communist/statist/etc. governments.  In all cases, every “ist” government has suppressed all opposition.  It starts with intimidation, disarming, Justice System corruption, escalates to threats, imprisonment, violence and, ultimately, using the power of government agencies to intimidate and silence!  Does any of this sound familiar? 

Historically, “Conservatism” has, by its very nature, tried to adhere to compromise – other than on principles – rational, logical reasoning and “the moral high ground”.  The past ten years – and especially the past two years – have shown this to be a complete failure against our current enemy.  When are we going to understand that these people hate us and will never “compromise”!  Our very existence and success proves the immorality and historical failure of their entire world view! 

If our nation is to survive this Second American Civil War, we can no longer “turn the other cheek”.  The one absolute truism is that evil must be held to account and brought to justice.  I’m NOT suggesting we adopt the same evil tactics of the AXIS OF EVIL but, when they do, they must be held accountable and be punished appropriately.  Their success, for three generations, is solely due to our failure to fight their subversion.  We must oppose them, on all fronts and in every way.  Time is running out! 

The AXIS OF EVIL is committed to complete subjugation of all opposition. They have proven that there can be no compromise with them, only submission.  Violent groups such as ANTIFA and BLM MUST be labeled “Domestic Terrorists” – and punished!  If we continue to fail to make all elements of the Axis of Evil answer for their crimes now then history virtually guarantees that the only options that will eventually be left to America will be Slavery or open civil WAR!! 

Every loyal American must understand…there is no way you can sit this one out!  You have only two choices – you are for America and against the AXIS OF EVIL or you are against America.  Failure to choose IS to CHOOSE EVIL! 

For those “sunshine Americans” who choose not to face reality and/or try to “sit this one out” I can only offer you the same advice, given to your kind by Samuel Adams: 

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, — go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms.” “Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen! (emphasis mine)

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America is at WAR!

The year is 1776 and America is at War!  From the earliest days of settlement in the Colonies, England and the Crown had considered the colonies to be a grand source of badly needed resources and income as well as, over time, an efficient way to reduce the excess, and often troublesome, population.  In doing so, Britain overlooked two important concepts, human nature and history

In the majority, the British colonists came to the “new world” seeking an opportunity for a “better life” and/or freedom from religious persecution.  Throughout Europe feudal government (“Statism”) had produced a social structure controlled by an “elite” class and a (majority) worker class whose sole purpose was to support “the State”.  Many people saw the new world as their only chance to make a better life for themselves and their families.

The predominate Christian religion, in Britain and Europe at the time, was divided into numerous factions or sects.  Religion was a commonly used tool of control by the ruling elite.  A particular faction would be declared the “State Religion” and used to suppress portions of the population.  Additionally, persecution between factions was common.  Many colonists came to the new world specifically for the purpose of religious freedom, often placing that right in their original governing documents.

Britain’s biggest error was the failure to remember history and the effect it had on the beliefs of her people – in particular, “The Rights of Man” dating back to the Magna Carta in 1215.  The preeminent concept of British Common Law was the concept of “Natural Law”.  Natural – or “Divine” – law states simply that, within Natural Law, each person has, from their Creator, certain “Rights”.  Such rights were not granted by man or government and could not be taken by man or government without the taking of a person’s life.  Furthermore, “… no human laws are of any validity if contrary to this.”.

What England, and the King in particular, failed to understand was that every British colonist considered themselves to be loyal British Citizens – with the same rights and freedoms of any other British Citizen!  The King, on the other hand, considered the colonists to be his subjects but lacking in the same rights and representation as persons in England.

His answer to the colonist’s complaints was oppressive taxation and regulation such as the 1764 Sugar Act, 1765 Stamp Act, and 1767 Townshend Act.  The 1773 Tea Act resulted in 342 chests of tea being thrown into Boston Harbor by The secret patriot organization, The Sons of Liberty.  The British responded with several acts of punishment, the “Intolerable Acts, in an attempt to crush the “rebellion”.  Contrary to that hope, the acts crystalized the colonists resolve to resist British oppression.

On April 19, 1775 British General Gage sent out regiments of British Soldiers to capture Sam Adams and John Hancock, in Lexington, and to seize the colonial armory at Concord.  Colonial sympathizers advised the colonists of the plan.  Paul Revere, William Dawes and Dr. Samuel Prescott rode to warn the countryside.  The British were met at Lexington Green and the rest is history – the Colonies were at War!

On August 23, 1775, King George III declared the colonists to be “in a state of open and avowed rebellion”.  The colonists elected delegates to what became the Continental Congress.  In May 1775 Congress made one last attempt to reason with King George and was rebuffed.  A committee was appointed to draft a declaration.  On July 4, 1776 13 Sovereign and independent states declared their independence from tyranny, their grievances, their right to independence and proclaimed to the world THE CREATION OF A NEW NATION.  FOR THE FIRST TIME, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA IS AT WAR!

Santayana’s Maxim states that “Those who refuse to learn from history are doomed to repeat it”.  Most people have heard some version of this warning.  How many recognize when it plays out around them?    Of those who may have seen it happening, how many did anything to prevent it?

With the Declaration of Independence the British colonists became the American People, a people whose heritage would be the indomitable will of a free people, dedicated to freedom and justice for ALL!  In their Declaration were stated 27 “grievances” of the natural rights of all people, everywhere.  There is a striking similarity between some of the malevolent actions of the British Crown and those of the Malignant Cancer that is the “Left” today!

Examples (I am sure you can name many other similarities):

“He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public good.”

(e.g. Preventing safe borders, refusing to fix absurd immigration laws (purely to keep political power), attempting to destroy border protection forces, refusing voter ID, protecting the Constitution as it originally was interpreted, protecting free speech, freedom of religion, the bill of rights, etc., etc….)

“He has obstructed the Administration of Justice…”

(e.g. initiate false accusations/investigations, subvert justice selection, falsify and/or destroy evidence, Ignore or hide violations of law, refuse to prosecute violations of law, blocking voter ID laws, conceal fraud/graft, give aid and comfort to our enemies [uranium sales](= Treason), denying right to innocence until proven guilty, denying due process [Kavanaugh], FBI misconduct, DOJ misconduct, etc., etc., etc.).

“He has made judges dependent on his will alone … ”.

(e.g. Ginsburg, Breyer, Sotomayor, Kagan, Roberts(?), slander, falsified charges, refusal to approve Judges keeping the oath to support and defend the Constitution, destroying any constitutional judges …)

“He has erected a multitude of New Offices, and sent hither swarms of Officers to harass our people, and eat out their substance”


“He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution and  Unacknowledged by our laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation”

(e.g. Arms Trade Treaty, Agenda 21 [Pelosi, southern poverty law center supported], UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, UN Framework Convention on Climate Change[Kyoto Protocol] …)

“He has excited domestic insurrections amongst us …”

(e.g. ANTIFA, BLM, Maxine Waters, Nancy Pelosi, Ilhan Omar, Commiewood, The Five, Twitter, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, et. al)

The parallels between the reasons our Founders fought and the attacks on our republic today are undeniable for any true American.  The only difference is that our Founders fought the tyranny of a foreign power while today America fights the most despicable and loathsome of attackers – American(s) In Name Only (AINO) traitors!  As such, while our Founders fought a war of independence, the nature of our enemy today – traitors within – defines our current state of war as The Second American Civil War!

It has become painfully, and nauseatingly obvious over the past month that AINOs, like Pelosi, Schumer, Boxer, Feinstein, Omar, et. al, have nothing but distain for their BROKEN OATHS, the American people and the nation.  Their only desire is POWER – power no matter the cost in American lives and safety.  ONLY an enemy of this nation could try to dispute that, AMERICA IS AT WAR!

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The 2nd American Civil War

The 2nd American Civil War began over 100 years ago. The first successful major attack on the American REPUBLIC (America was NEVER A ”DEMOCRACY”) occurred in 1913 with the ratification of the 17th Amendment. The people of the 48 states stupidly overrode the Founders wisdom of creating a “higher” chamber of Congress selected by THE LEGISLATURES OF THE INDIVIDUAL STATES. By making the election of Senators done by popular vote the states lost their REPUBLICAN ability to exert a stabilizing influence on the, more volatile, House portion of the Congress.

Wilson, Roosevelt, Johnson and Obama (All Democrats) were Socialist Presidents. Where Wilson, Roosevelt and Johnson tried to turn America Socialist they did believe in America. In the most part, Wilson failed to have major long term effects on America (although many of his wartime actions were totally despotic). Roosevelt, came to power during a recession which his failed policies turned into the great depression. Johnson’s major contributions to socialism were his welfare programs giving power the founders never intended to the Federal Government.

Obama, on the other hand was the first truly Marxist Socialist (read communist) President. Idiot liberals put into the White House the first “President” who despised America and considered it an evil, oppressive country that needed to be brought down. Riding on the damage done by his predecessors he was responsible for more damage to America than all previous traitors and enemies of the people.

Enabling much of the damage done by Obama was the adoption, by the “Liberal left/Democrat Commiecrat Party”, of the KGB methodology for Ideological Subversion known as “Active Measures”. While this methodology was multi-faceted (destroy basic national beliefs, insert corruption in Federal agencies with law enforcement powers, control the courts, destroy the economy and military amongst others) the most damaging facet was the corruption of the national education system.

“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted”   Vladimir Lenin

For over three generations Marxist/Leninist ideology and the “statist” mentality that only the “State” could provide for you and protect you has been pumped into the heads of our children with no, or very little, countering of this with presentation of our real history and the principles beliefs and moral values that are the basis of our society and the American system of governance.

The lack of opposition, to what has been nothing less than all out warfare against the foundations of America, has resulted in America being divided into two – absolutely incompatible – factions. Socialism (Statism) is exactly the tyranny the Founders tried to prevent. The Second American Civil War has been, to date, a “cold” war. It has now reached the stage of “crisis” and, I fear, that nothing, short of violence, can excise the cancer of Socialism.

I hope I am wrong but I find it increasingly hard to believe that, by the end of the next decade, this war will not go “hot”. If the Commiecrat left manages to open our borders to endless invasion don’t be surprised to see vigilantism, if not open rebellion, before America is returned to the CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC that it once was. HISTORY is very unforgiving of our failure to remember our past and we appear to be about to repeat it!

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The Enemy Within, an Axis of Evil

On October 30, 2008 Barack Obama made the statement that “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America”.  Anyone paying attention should have recognized that threat to our nation.  Americans do not make “fundamental” changes.  Marxist/socialist Tyrants, The Axis of Evil, do.

Obama’s statement was nothing less than a DECLARATION OF WAR against the principles and values that are the cornerstones of our society and our system of governance!  To anyone with the sense to learn from history, this was a warning!

For over half a century the United States has been in a state of war – an undeclared and total war against the basic principles and Foundations of our nation!  For those who still refuse to pull their heads out of the sand (or other areas) I suggest they pull them out and consider the following:

“All warfare is based primarily on deception of an enemy. Fighting on a battlefield is the most primitive way of making war. There is no art higher than to destroy your enemy without a fight by subverting anything of value in your enemy’s country.”   Sun Tzu, The Art of War c. 500 B.C.(*)

The initial attack came (no surprise) from without – I suspect deducing who will not be rocket science to any real American.   There have always been individuals whose main goal in life has been that of power and control over others.  As gravity draws us to the earth, so does this drive draw such individuals to “government”.

America is no exception.  Fortunately, our Founders designed our Constitutional Republic – NOT “Democracy” – with numerous obstacles to achieving such power.  For over two hundred years these safeguards have frustrated attempts by such people to achieve their goals.

Unfortunately, these individuals quickly recognized the insidious nature of the foreign attack on our nation as the perfect vehicle to undermine the obstacles our founders had constructed.  By quietly attacking and perverting the values and principles that our nation is founded upon, over several generations, they have, in all ways but on the battlefield, been conducting the Second American Civil War!

The details of the attack on America, and a review of the foundations being attacked, can be found on The Home Of The Eagle web site (www.homeoftheeagle.com) for anyone truly wanting to understand the threat, to the very existence of our very nation, today.

It is important that we first understand the nature of the threat we face.  It is not a single enemy but an AXIS OF EVIL.  A listing of its major components can be found on The Home Of The Eagle including the far left wing and leadership of the (once) Democrat – now Commiecrat – Party, the racist anarchists of BLM, the violent, fascist, anarchists of ANTIFA and many others.

Secondly, the members of the AXIS OF EVIL do not have the same values that have been the foundations of America.  The word “compromise” in their dictionary means “bowing” to only their definitions, opinions and orders!  All other “dissident” opinions must be suppressed!

To real Americans, the linchpin of society, and our system of government, is individual freedom. The essence of freedom is the proper limitation of government.  Government has only the limited powers ceded to it, by the Constitution!

To the “statists” of the AXIS OF EVIL, the people belong to the STATE. Under Statism, the people exist only to the degree their existence benefits the stateWhen you no longer benefit the state there is no further reason to let you continue to live!

Look at all history of all socialist/communist/statist/etc. governments.  IN ALL CASES, every “ist” government has suppressed all opposition.  It starts with intimidation, escalates to threats, imprisonment and, ultimately, violence.  Does any of this sound familiar?

Historically, “Conservatism” has, by its very nature, tried to adhere to compromise, rational, logical reasoning and “the high ground”.  The past ten years – and especially the past two years – have shown this to be a complete failure against our current enemy.

If our nation is to survive this Second Civil War, we can no longer “turn the other cheek”.  The one absolute truism is that evil must be held to account and brought to justice.  I’m NOT suggesting we adopt the same evil tactics of the AXIS OF EVIL but, when they do, they must be held accountable and be punished appropriately.

The AXIS OF EVIL is committed to complete subjugation of all opposition. They have proven that there can be no compromise with them, only submission.  Groups such as ANTIFA and BLM MUST be labeled “Domestic Terrorists”.  If we continue to fail to make them answer for their crimes – UNDER THE LAW – then America, as we have known it, is doomed!

Every loyal American must understand…there is no way you can sit this one out!  You have only two choices – you are for America and against the AXIS OF EVIL or you are against America.  Failure to choose IS to CHOOSE EVIL!

For those “sunshine americans” who choose not to face reality and/or try to “sit this one out” I can only offer you the same advice given to your kind by Samuel Adams:

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, the tranquility of servitude than the animating contest of freedom, — go from us in peace. We ask not your counsels or arms.” “Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains sit lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen!

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A Time For Choosing

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.  We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream.  It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children what it was once like in the United States when men were free”  President Ronald Reagan

Many have heard this quote.  How many, recently, have really thought about what he was trying to warn us of?

In his book Thoughts on the Cause of Present Discontents (1770), Irish philosopher Edmund Burke wrote “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one…”.

Today this is usually misquoted as “All that is necessary for evil to succeed is that good men do nothing.”.  There is a synergy between those two prophetic warnings that we can no longer fail to heed.  Over the centuries, from the influential Irish and revered American statesmen, we have been given the same, basic, warningFreedom, and the defeat of evil, both require individual responsibility and individual action!

 America is on the cusp of possibly the most dangerous choice in in the history of our nation.  As is detailed in Home of the Eagle.com, for over three generations, the United States has been in a state of war!  An undeclared and total war against the basic principles and Foundations of our nation – The Second American Civil War!

While the war was instigated by “An Evil Empire”, as Ronald Reagan called it, the majority of the attacks, and the damage, has been done TO America BY “AmeriKans” – Socialists and their liberal/leftist supporters – an Axis Of Evil!  There can be no truthful denial of that label.  The mask has come off of what was once the “Democrat” Party.  And it no longer tries to hide the fact that, it has become the “Commiecrat Party” – dedicated to replacing our Republic with a Marxist/socialist tyranny under their, elite, control!

The irony is that the attacks on, and the damage to, our nation were done openly!  For over three generations Marxist/Leninist propaganda was pumped into the heads of our children by treasonous “edukators” with no opposition of American principles and values.  Any student, or REAL Teacher, who bucked the corrupt “Commie Core” system was not merely attacked, everything was done to destroy them, both professionally and personally!

“Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.”  Vladimir Lenin

Nor were these atrocities confined to just our education system.  The most treasonous, hideous, loathsome and disgusting branch of the Axis Of Evil – the “mainstream” media –  dutifully followed Vladimir Lenin’s admonition:

“The press should be not only a collective propagandist and a collective agitator, but also a collective organizer of the masses…”

And by this betrayal became the GREATEST ENEMY of the American people!

Add to these two evil organizations the “leftists” in the Republican Party (RINOs) who would sacrifice this nation to keep their position and power, Silicon Valley and Social Media Giants, the racist anarchists of BLM, useful idiots in sports and entertainment, “Commiewood” and the violent, fascist, anarchists of ANTIFA and you have the core of the Axis Of Evil!

The truth of these statements could not be shown more clearly than by the actions of the Axis Of Evil in response to the recent heinous crime and tragic events at the Tree of Life Synagogue in Pennsylvania.  Tonight there are empty places in the hearts and homes of families – places that can never be filled.  In this time of tragedy and mourning the only response from the Axis Of Evilespecially the cruel, heartless members of the AOE press – is to try to politicize this tragedy by blaming President Trump for the shooting – actions so loathsome that no decent human being would ever take them.

President Trump has a daughter who is of the Jewish faith, two grandchildren who are also Jewish.  The sub-human slime who assassinated innocent worshipers has a long history of anti-Semitism and he hates President Trump for being “too close” to Israel.  President Trump has stated clearly that ”If you are going to try to destroy the Jews, we will destroy you!”.  President Trump has received an award of friendship from Israel and in reply to his vow,  “No non-Jewish leader, anywhere in the world, has ever made such a strong statement against anti-Semitism!.

I have spent over half a century fighting evil both in foreign wars and at home behind a badge.  In all that time, and in much of the world, I have never seen anything as evil and loathsome as the traitors who make up the Axis Of Evil.  I have never seen my country so close to crisis due to attacks from within.  Nationalism is defined as loyalty and love for a country.  I am a Nationalist – on steroids!

To see AOE “Amerikans” equate our President with past evil tyrants because he dared to say he loved, and was loyal to, his country makes it crystal clear that the America of the past  – where, as Thomas Jefferson said at his inaugural address ,“But every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle. We have called by different names brethren of the same principle…” – is not the America of today.

From failing to pass on our heritage to “good men doing nothing” we have failed to heed the warnings of our forbearers.  The time for choosing has come and there is no middle road!  You have only two choices to select from – our republic or a Marxist/socialist tyrannical oligarchy of the elite.  There is no avoiding making a choice.  Failing to choose IS CHOOSING…Your children’s future depends on you choosing wisely this election!

If you haven’t figured it out yet listen to President Reagan’s Advice:

There is a simple answer after all”.  “We’ll preserve for our children, this the last best hope for man on earth, or we’ll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness!”


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